GLI Affiliate
We are seeking a handful of professional skilled SMP artists that demonstrate integrity and quality to take care of GLI clients.
Keep building your brand.
Keep your customers.
Keep your freedom and your profits.

GLI Affiliate Benefits
Marketing Cost
No Sales Expenses! We pay for all the marketing costs, consultations with potential customers, follow up phone calls, emails, text and then customers are delivered to you on your schedule.
No paperwork! We handle all the financing charges, credit card fees, approvals/payments - No hassles no additional expenses for you. We even provide the specifically formulated pigment and after care kits.
No headaches! We handle the follow up with clients to ensure satisfaction. Join the ranks of top SMP artists who have been invited to affiliate with Good Look Ink.
Supplement your existing business with pre-paid, pre-screened SMP customers.
Make over $200 an hour!
Hustle Free Customers - focus on what you love - it's practically FREE MONEY!
Become a GLI Affiliate!