Scalp Micropigmentation Blog

Seven Tips for Identifying A Credible SMP Provider | Scalp Micro Pigmentation | Good Look Ink

Written by Marc Conklin | 07/23/2024

The growing number of hair-loss solutions available in the market can be overwhelming, expensive and risky. This makes it difficult for the every-day man to remedy very real issues he might be facing, from a receding hair line to male pattern baldness. With so many different options, how can consumers determine which solution is best, and more importantly, identify a credible provider?

Today, hair-loss sufferers have an option that not only conceals hair loss, but is accessible to most candidates. In the past decade, the appearance of a closely-shaved head has become increasingly popular and was previously adopted most commonly by men attempting to conceal hair loss. It has since developed into a cultural movement that even men with full heads of hair are choosing as a stylistic preference, asserting a look of confidence and dominance.

Luckily, the appearance of a shaved head is a viable option for hair-loss sufferers with receding hair lines, male pattern baldness, scarring from previous hair-replacement procedures, as well as alopecia. The solution is called Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP); a process that camouflages hair loss by creating the appearance of a shaved head through a highly-specialized pigmentation application to the scalp.

By age thirty-five, two-thirds of American men will experience hair loss to some degree, a figure that increases to roughly 85% by age fifty-five. Ultimately, for these men, SMP is the solution to an aesthetic and emotional battle with hair loss.

Choosing a credible SMP provider should be taken seriously, and can be easy if the clinic meets the following checklist of criteria:

1) Robust Portfolio of SMP Clients

This is a key indicator of experience and credibility. The SMP provider should have a portfolio of before-and-after photos and videos of clients of varying ethnicities from multiple angles. Thoroughly review these materials and keep in mind that their best work is likely on display. Be mindful of reproduced or digitally altered images that aren’t proprietary. Written and recorded client testimonials are strong proof points that can validate expertise.

2) Longevity

It is critical to select a SMP provider that has been in the market for years and has the results to prove client satisfaction. The cultivation of practitioners and procedures requires ample time, attention and resources that cannot be replicated by newer businesses. Because the SMP industry just recently gained mainstream awareness, medical acceptance and widespread adoption, it is more important than ever to verify the authenticity and permanence of results.

3) Licensed, Fixed, Safe Location

It is common for SMP clients to travel to the provider, as the number of certified SMP clinics is relatively small. Many new SMP providers have started renting temporary office spaces in multiple locations to create the illusion of multiple offices. While this may lessen the travel required for the client, the fact is that SMP is a high-touch procedure that requires specialized equipment, much of which is not portable.

A temporary office is unlikely to meet the strict sterility and licensing requirements for the industry. “Traveling salesmen” should never perform SMP procedures. Proper equipment sterilization, materials disposals, and non-porous flooring are rarely present, adding a serious risk of contracting a life-threating disease.

In addition to the obvious safety hazards associated with receiving SMP in a location that is not a sterile clinic, it is important to note that in order to protect public safety, it is illegal in most jurisdictions to provide pigmentation services in a non-licensed facility.

Please stop to consider where a traveling provider might be if you have any concerns. Will they return to your city to provide you with complementary enhancements? Choosing convenience over guaranteed results rarely represents a savings, and can cost you far more in the long run, both physically and monetarily.

4) Stand-alone SMP Procedure

Scalp MicroPigmentation is a stand-alone procedure and should produce stand-alone results when performed properly. Though an FUE can add dimensional texture, SMP should never need to be coupled with a surgery to look natural and undetectable. Beware of the “combo deal”. Coupling SMP with invasive procedures follows antiquated hair-transplant models resulting in a cyclical process of repeat visits follow-up procedures. True SMP is maintenance-free, non-surgical and permanent.

“I wouldn’t align myself as a medical physician if I didn’t believe in this procedure and if I didn’t believe in this company.” -Dr. Chris Balgobin, GLI Medical Director

5) Robust Team of On-site, Certified SMP Staff

Scalp Micropigmentation is time-consuming. It takes intense concentration and meticulous attention to detail. SMP cannot be rushed or automated and produce satisfactory results. Every scalp is unique and presents many different variables. By using a team approach, with more than one master-trained technician, this provides every opportunity for the SMP providers to consult with one another in matters such as pigment color selection and hairline placement. This approach ensures the best possible results, eliminates technician fatigue, and ensures quality control. A team of experts, by definition, has far more expertise than a single expert. This is a huge advantage to any SMP client.

6) Client Testimonials

If you are not given an option to speak with a client who has had SMP with your provider, proceed with extreme caution. Photos are, of course, helpful, but there is absolutely no substitute for getting first hand knowledge in order to know with any degree of certainty whether you are making a good choice.

7) Service Guarantee

Learn what type of guarantee is provided by any Scalp Micropigmentation provider. SMP often requires enhancement, particularly in clients who have undergone hair transplant surgery or some other scarring trauma. Will enhancement services be provided? If so, for what period of time, and what cost?

Since 2009, Good Look Ink in Minneapolis, MN has blazed the trail for the Scalp Micropigmentation field. With more combined experience than any other clinical SMP provider, these pioneers are the global leaders for innovation and development. GLI’s highly sought-after team provides guaranteed results for clients nation-wide in the world’s largest licensed, state-of-the-art SMP facility.

Considering whether Scalp Micropigmentation is right for you? Contact Good Look Ink at (952) 378-1778. Their dedicated, friendly SMP practitioners answer your specific questions in detail, and discuss your individual needs so you can make the best informed decision.

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