Scalp Micropigmentation Blog

Come On Home NBA Style | Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP) | Good Look Ink

Written by Marc Conklin | 07/23/2024

“Come on home” “the famous jibe from Charles Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal to LeBron James”in reference to their urging him to shave his head to conceal his hair loss.

He shot back, leaving the “come on home” to what he called the “bald-headed stooges in studio”


I love this. This is a great phrase. It is warm and welcoming (albeit teasing). “Come on home” has undertones of belonging to a family of those in the same boat”of those who have fought (and lost) the struggle against hair loss.

Why do I love this? I love this because of the acceptance factor.

I love the comfort offered by fact that there is always a back-up safety net “when life doesn’t go according to plan, you can always go home.

I love the fresh start offered by “coming home”. Coming home allows you to regroup and get back “out there”.

Home is where everyone knows everything about you and loves you anyway. People at home can empathize and not judge. (At least, I hear that families are supposed to act this way).

I love the fact that shaven heads are now a powerful and fashionable style choice for men. This allows those with hair loss to level the playing field. By shaving down, hair loss is made far less detectable. By making hair loss less detectable, guys who shave down are rejecting society’s inclination to make judgments based on hair loss.

And, with the help of GLI Scalp Micropigmentation, your hair loss can be off of the radar completely”the 5 o”clock shadow of your remaining hair will be concealed and supported by realistic pigmentation in your thin spots.

Coming Home=Shaving Your Head. Good Look Ink is here to help you regroup, stronger than ever, and “get back out there”.

Thanks to this video blogger for giving us a powerful visual aid, using our buzzblender, to illustrate the concept of “coming on home” NBA-Style.