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Examiner Article about GLI: Good Look Ink Tackles Hair Loss with Scalp Micropigmentation

3 min read

The time has finally come to say goodbye to devastating hair loss, explains Marshall Charloff, founder of Good Look Ink, a leading authority in scalp micropigmentation. This is not to say that hair loss is no longer prevalent, but the methods of dealing with the long-standing issue are greatly improving.

“The options people now have to take control of their appearance, despite losing their hair, are advancing and offering life-altering results,” Charloff says.

Hair loss affects everyone differently, but for many it causes such a profound impact psychologically that overall health can be jeopardized, continues Charloff. Now, people have real options, like scalp micropigmentation, that can turn this once overwhelming occurrence into a chance for a new, stylish – do instead.

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical method that applies a micro organic pigment into the lower epidermis layer of the scalp. The results replicate the individual’s natural hair follicles, giving the appearance of real hair.

Losing hair is no longer the distressing, inevitable process it once was. It’s easy to see, however, why hair loss has carried such a negative connotation for so long. We live in a society that is obsessed with physical appearance and jam-packed with overly sexualized role models that represent what attractiveness is supposed to look like.

People place such a high emphasis on hair because it’s one of the first attributes noticed upon meeting someone. For centuries, thicker hair was synonymous with beauty, health, and youth. A lack of luscious locks highlighted possible health problems and the loss of a youthful appearance. Many take the first signs of hair loss as a straight shot at their self-esteem. But with more and more people breaking from the aforementioned trends, longer hair is no longer the norm.

Societal trends are constantly evolving, and with these evolutions, people are more comfortable embodying their own individual styles. Back in the feel good – 70s, long hair was the only desired hairstyle, but take a look around today and one will find women fashioning shorter hairstyles, with some even opting for a buzzed look, a cut once rocked solely by men.

Though women tend to have a more distraught reaction to hair loss, men can be equally susceptible to the troubling thought of losing their hair. Women are not the only ones preoccupied with self-image. As men lose hair, they too begin transforming their perception of self.

Hair loss, clinically referred as alopecia, is a telltale sign of aging. Though some believe hair loss and baldness look good, they still spark inevitable thoughts of aging. Buzzed hair, however, does not ignite these ideas, since the style resembles a full head of hair, notes Good Look Ink founder Charloff.

Male hair loss can start around the age of 20, prematurely making some men feel aged. Hair loss is a sore spot for men all over the world, and this is why so many people are turning to scalp micropigmentation.

A 2002 study revealed just how immensely hair loss and balding changes a woman’s perspective of a man. Researchers surveyed 150 females, ages 15-58, and found that 90 percent of the participating women viewed men suffering from hair loss as “less attractive and older”. The survey asked questions pertaining to the physical appearances of 120 male participants, some of which were balding. Others were not. The women also viewed the balding men as appearing less confident.

With a plethora of options available to conceal the loss of hair, some may find it difficult to sort through the abundance of information at their disposal. With some research, however, the downfalls of certain options become evident. For example, hair implantations offer real hair, but are also highly invasive, require much downtime, and are quite pricey.

Not to mention, a full head of thick hair is no longer needed to look attractive in today’s day and age. Scalp micropigmentation is on the rise, and for good reason. Balding men are achieving a stylish look with less risk, a shorter healing time of approximately two days, and cheaper costs than alternate options.

Those suffering from hair loss should not let the stress hurt their overall health. As more and more hair is lost, the person’s psychological response intensifies, igniting a vicious cycle. The more hair one loses, the greater the response. The greater the response, the more quickly hair continues to fall.

It’s easy for people to become overly fixated on their hair loss, but the future is looking up. Treatment developments are moving quickly and many are already available and transforming lives. As Marshall Charloff of Good Look Ink explains, “Scalp micropigmentation is allowing people to feel comfortable in their own skin again, with a buzzed look that never goes out of style.”

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