Scalp Micropigmentation Blog

Forget Flat Stanley. Can You Spot GLI Mike? | Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP) | Good Look Ink

Written by Marc Conklin | 07/23/2024

If you’ve been the parent of an American elementary student, chances are pretty good that you’ve met “Flat Stanley”. In a really fun educational experience, children bring home a picture of a guy who looks like this:

…which they then color, cut out, and mail to people that they know who live in other places, along with a request to mail back a photo with Stanley experiencing their part of the world.

For example, here is a photo collage of Flat Stanley visiting Dubai:

and Sydney, Austrailia:

The students, upon receiving photos of Flat Stanley, get to bring in their photos and learn, in a personal way, about other parts of the world.

Recently, I’m starting to experience Flat Stanley deja vu with a very serious twist; this time with a more sophisticated subject: “GLI Mike”

In June, 2012, I was featured, wearing scrubs and surgical loupes, on Good Morning America, and performed Scalp Micropigmentation on “GLI Mike”.

Having never been on National Television before, this was a truly nerve-wracking experience, particularly since a man’s head was on the line’ and a whole lot of people were watching.

In front of 3.9 Million Viewers, Mike was transformed in a single day through the miracle of GLI Scalp Micropigmentation into a man who, though already handsome, looked fully 15-years younger.

Doesn’t he look amazing? Yes I did, girl.

And, I completed Mike’s procedure while under the pressure of having a videographer not only filming constantly in my procedure room but, at times, he was even leaning on me!

I am very proud of my work on Mike. And, here is what Mike looks like now, in the real world:

Well, despite the extremely public nature of Mike’s procedure, I now see GLI Mike popping up, much like Flat Stanley, all over the world.