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Never Think About Hairloss Again.

Regain confidence lost to hair loss. Scalp micropigmentation for men by Good Look Ink offers a natural, lasting solution. This innovative scalp tattoo technique creates the illusion of thicker hair, regardless of the cause of your hair loss. Don't let hair hold you back - reclaim your confidence with head tattooing for hair loss by Good Look Ink.

Seth Wilson

Baldness is a confidence killer, fight back with Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP).

The holy grail is a solution that’s lasting, effective, low-maintenance, free of side effects and just plain cool. Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) has emerged as that solution. But as you’ve probably found in your web research, there’s a “Wild West” feel when it comes to choosing a specific hairline pigmentation process and provider. How do you know who to trust?

You deserve to feel totally confident about who’s working on your head. And Good Look Ink’s SMP hair tattoo process—performed by trained, certified professionals—has been providing that confidence longer than anyone else in the industry.

Scalp Micropigmentation Benefits for Baldness



Empowering you to choose the look you want, regardless of hair or skin color.



Using a proprietary SMP process that’s proven effective and highly reviewed.



Delivering an attractive, long-term, low- or no-maintenance baldness solution.


Certified Technicians

Employing only trained, certified technicians who are both friendly and professional.


Lifetime Guarantee

Offering you a lifetime guarantee on your micropigmentation of the scalp.


Just One Day

Getting you in and out of your scalp pigmentation clinic in just one day.

Fight Baldness With Good Look Ink

SMP for Thinning Hair

Two-thirds of American men experience significant hair thinning by age 35, and by age 50, the percentage of men with significantly thinner hair is a whopping 85%. If you’re in this group—or if you’re a woman with thinning hair—then scalp micropigmentation for men is an ideal solution to dramatically increase not only your hair’s perceived density, but your overall level of confidence.

Performed by our trained, Certified Impression TechniciansTM, GLI’s scalp tattoo process has already given life-long alopecia relief to hundreds of people—providing a long-lasting, maintenance-free and affordable solution that frees people to live their life with the youthful confidence that only a robust hairline can deliver.


SMP for Male Pattern Baldness (Alopecia)

The medical term for thinning hair or hair loss, alopecia can occur in men or women, and can be temporary (from hormones, medications, braiding or hair-pulling) or permanent. Hereditary, or “androgenic” alopecia occurs most often in men and is more commonly known as “male pattern baldness.” It’s caused in part by a person’s sensitivity to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes hair follicles to shrink upon exposure.


Performed by our trained, Certified Impression TechniciansTM, GLI’s SMP process has already given life-long alopecia relief to hundreds of people—providing a long-lasting, maintenance-free and affordable solution that frees people to live their life with the youthful confidence that only a robust hairline can deliver.


Hair Transplants Need Scalp Micropigmentation for the Best Result

When it comes to addressing hair loss, two primary solutions often come to mind: Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) and Hair Transplants.  Hair Transplants offer unique benefits, but they also come with their own set of considerations. Scalp Micropigmentation for men is a great option to enhance the results of a hair transplant or serve as a superior alternative.

The Real Story About Hair Transplants

the truth about hair transplants


Hair transplants can be expensive, with costs ranging from $10,000 to $30,000, depending on the extent of the procedure, the number of hair transplants needed and the expertise of the clinic.

the truth about hair transplants

Surgical Risks

As with any surgical procedure, hair transplants come with risks, including infection, scarring, and uneven hair growth. Additionally, there can be a long recovery period with visible scabs and redness that can last for weeks.  

The truth about hair transplants

Not Always Effective

Hair transplants are not a guaranteed solution for everyone. Factors like the quality of the donor hair and the skill of the surgeon play significant roles in the success of the procedure. In some cases, patients may require multiple sessions to achieve their desired look.

the truth about hair transplants

Limited Donor Supply

The success of a hair transplant is heavily dependent on the availability of healthy donor hair, typically taken from the back or sides of the head. If the donor area is sparse, it may limit the effectiveness of the transplant or the amount of coverage that can be achieved.

scary side of hair transplants

Potential Damage

Depending on the type of hair transplant you choose, you may be left with an over-harvested donor area or a linear scar.

All of this can cause serious damage to your wallet, head and self-esteem. SMP can enhance the results of a hair transplant or serve as a superior alternative to hair transplants as well as an effective way of correcting damage left by many hair transplant procedures. SMP at GLI delivers benefits that improve the look of hair transplants or provide a better option based on your personal goals.

SMP and Hair Transplants - The Winning Combination


Providing an Immediate Solution While Waiting for Hair to Grow

Hair transplants require time for the new hair to grow in fully, which can take several months. During this waiting period, SMP offers an immediate solution by creating the appearance of a full head of hair, giving you confidence while the transplanted hair matures.


Immediate Results

Unlike hair transplants, where results may take months to fully manifest, the results of SMP are immediate. The procedure typically requires little downtime, allowing you to return to your regular activities quickly.


Improving Overall Density

In some cases, hair transplants may not achieve the desired density, particularly in larger areas of thinning. SMP can fill in the gaps by creating the illusion of denser hair, making the transplanted hair look fuller and more uniform.


Enhancing Hairline Definition

Even after a successful hair transplant, the hairline may not be as sharp or well-defined as desired. SMP can be used to create a more precise and natural-looking hairline, adding detail that enhances the overall appearance.


Blending Different Hair Growth Patterns

Hair transplants can sometimes result in areas where the direction of hair growth differs from natural hair. SMP can help blend these areas, creating a more cohesive look by mimicking natural hair growth patterns.


Customizing the Final Look

Hairline pigmentation allows for customization of the final look, including adjusting the shade and density of the pigment to match the patient’s natural hair color and skin tone. This level of customization ensures that the overall result of the hair transplant is as natural and aesthetically pleasing as possible.

Be You Be Bold With Good Look Ink

Scar Micropigmentation: SMP for Scar Repair

Some men are scarred for life by hair transplant surgeries—literally. If you’re one of them, you’re in luck. Because scar micropigmentation at GLI is your best bet for camouflaging scars and restoring your confidence.

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Scalp Scar Camouflage with SMP

Because scar tissue is so different from healthy skin tissue (it’s actually a hard patch your body forms as a survival mechanism after trauma), it also reacts differently to pigmentation. GLI’s trained, Certified Impression TechniciansTM understand the important roles that melanin and collagen play in applying scar micropigmentation, so they know exactly how to make scar tissue receive and retain pigmentation.


Hard to Detect

Scars from previous hair transplant surgery are much harder to detect.


Illusion of Density

The illusion of density is added in areas where hair transplant surgery failed to do so.


Eliminate Surgery

GLI eliminates your need for further surgical procedures or investment.


Long Term Solution

You can wear your hair at different lengths.

Get a Permanent Solution Today

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Replace Your Hair System with SMP

Although men increasingly prefer the youthfully confident look of a hair tattoo for hair loss via SMP, some still only feel comfortable with a full head of hair. And for many, that means hair piece/system. A hair piece/system promises hair you can style any way you want, but many—especially nylon mesh hairpieces—bring their own sets of problems.

Why Hair Systems Fail

scary side of hairpieces


Hairpieces are expensive, initially costing between $1,000 to $5,000, then dry out and lose their sheen after only 6 months.

scary side of hairpieces

High Maintenance

Hairpieces are high-maintenance, with each piece needing monthly adjustments to match the growth of your natural hair at a cost of $99-$750—a long-term fiscal nightmare.

scary side of hairpieces


Hairpieces can be overly sensitive to movement, wind or touch—causing misalignments that need to be fixed at an additional cost to you.

scary side of hairpieces

Unbearably Hot

Some hairpieces can get unbearably hot, with thick mesh linings that get sweaty and smelly in a hurry.

scary side of hairpieces

Potential Damage

Hair systems can do damage to your scalp that takes years to repair. Plus, hair systems and toupees can actually promote additional hair loss.

All of this can cause serious damage to your wallet, head and self-esteem. SMP provides a better alternative to hairpieces, as well as an effective way of correcting damage left by many hairpiece procedures. SMP at GLI delivers benefits that hairpieces just can’t match

SMP VS Hair Pieces/Hair Systems


Certified Impression Technicians

Trained, Certified Impression Technicians who know how to enhance your head while easing your mind.  Experts work to mimic lost hair follicles to provide the illusion of a full head of hair shaved down tight.


No Maintenance

A low- to no-maintenance hair loss solution (no caring for a hair system (like a pet).


100% Hygienic

A 100% hygienic solution that can be easily washed like your natural hair


Long Term Solution

A long-term solution that frees you from those annoying monthly adjustments and lifelong maintenance expenses


Powerful Resilience

Powerful resilience against water, wind and touch—so you can be as active as you want to be



No FOGCR ("Fear of Getting Caught in a Rainstorm")

Repair Your Scar With SMP!

Find out What Good Look Ink Can Do for You!

Good Look Ink offers a discreet way to enhance your hairline and achieve the look you've always wanted. See the results for yourself.


"I was hesitant at first when I heard about micro scalp pigmentation, but then when i saw the before and after photos on Good look Ink, specifically for scar correction, I couldn't tell it was ink! it looked very natural and after all, if no one can tell, why hesitate, you want to look your best, without people knowing, right? so this was a win-win in my book. and the staff are just absolutely GREAT and very professional. should have done it years ago."
Frank M
"I did my SMP at Good look Ink today and the result exceeded my expectation. The technician understood how my hair design should look and took her time to achieve the desired design. I would recommend Good Look Ink to anyone considering SMP."
Dawitt Reviewed
"Okay here goes,,,,I am 46 & have been through it all....transplants, hair piece, Rogaine, etc. and I wish this that this process was available much earlier. I had made the mistake of using a cosmetic tattooist to save some money & quickly realized that it was a poor decision that required laser removal. I am extremely happy with the initial results as well as the overall treatment that I received."
Ken M